Sunday 15 September 2013


I wish to thank everybody who took time to watch the brief 20 minute documentary on police corruption associated with passport applications in Cameroon. Apologies to those who have not watched the documentary. Please check it on this you tube link or just type Undercover - Cameroon corruption live in the youtube search area. I wish to especially thank those who shared their own stories. They were really touching. To my greatest surprise, even non-Cameroonians were also complaining. Just tells you how bad the situation is in the country. It would have been nice if something could immediately be done to stop these people in their tracks. Thousands of Cameroonians everyday are exploited  through this corrupt scheme orchestrated by the police in Yaounde.  I am pleased that at least the few that have been enlightened through my documentary will now be able to protect themselves to an extent from police corruption at the general delegation for national security in Cameroon. Gradually, we will educate ourselves out of this deplorable situation.

Please see below for a few selected comments from our viewers

This truth is quite disheartening, but I thank God for your brave heart!! It saddens me even more to see such a fruitful country turn into the survival of the fittest. All these so called law enforcers should be punished for their evil deeds. Thank You Very Much For Exposing These Scammers/Criminals/Thieves/Tra­itors!

Thanks for sharing your experience. Your case is just one out of millions of sad cases. In 2006 during the transition to the computerised passport, i spent 500,000frs CFA to make two passports. When i finally saw those passport with my eyes i too a deep deep breath as a sign of relief. It's unfortunate that our home land is decaying more and more. Only God alone is saving this country from chaos.

It can't get any better than this. You are one of the few cameroonians that is actually standing up against a system that needs to be eradicated in other to pave a better country for our children. By not turning blind eyes to a system like ours, marks the beginning of change.

Just after gaining an entry Visa to the U.S., for my husband, two guards within the confines of the Embassy tried to solicit money from him in Pidgin. They thought they were being smart and that I wouldn't understand. This kind of problem was constant throughout any documentation process. Most would act one way when I was looking and as soon as I turned my head the "real" process was explained to my husband. Thanks for this video, this concept is difficult to explain to friends and family.

Please try to mask the faces of the innocent. ... but expose all those corrupt bastards. I don't see why you are hiding inspector Sam's face for all. His ass needs to be fired! I want to see his face and make him get burnt along with all others like him.

 Please see more comments on the video at

Thanks for your time

Tuesday 4 June 2013



The difference between a part-time blogger like me and a full time blogger is the often periods of unexplained absences during which most of ones readers a left in the dark. But it is worth mentioning that my absence for the past weeks or month is a consequence of the enormous amount of time and energy I have spent investigating what I believe is the largest corruption scheme engaged in by members of the Cameroonian police force. As one might expect, such issues often require great caution and reflection as it often happens that high profile individuals and maybe government officials may become implicated as a result. Even so the greatest risk is that to the investigator; in this case myself as I went out to Cameroon to investigate a police system known to be the most corrupt in the country according to transparency international records. 

This time around, I have decided to get to the bottom of a major concern that many Cameroonian citizens at home and abroad have become frustrated with for so many years but yet can't take up or investigate because of the government department or nature/group of individuals involved. Yes, probably just what you might already be thinking, THE APPLICATION AND ISSUANCE OF CAMEROONIAN PASSPORTS, THE POLICE, BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION ALL IN ONE. Indeed what I, just like many others would refer to as one of the greatest ordeal for a Cameroonian international traveller.
As a Cameroonian living abroad, are you going to sincerely tell me you have never heard of EXPRESS PASSPORTS? or PASSPORTE EXPRESSE comme on dit en francais? We are certainly aware. Applying for a passport can be hell for so many people who don’t know or understand our corrupt system. Especially poor people like us who will be required to pay huge sums of unaccounted money to POLICE AND CRIMINALS to be specific in the name of passport fees. Up until now, I often thought PASSPORTE EXPRESSE and all what they call it- which just simply means a passport application which you bribed someone within the delegation for National security to fast-track for you was genuine. Oh seriously. I thought it was legal to pay the huge sums of money many people unknowingly pay to obtain their passports, until I went to the heart of the General Delegation for National Security in the capital city (Yaounde) to find out for myself. 

Well, it has now come to my greatest dismay that it is indeed a corrupt scheme probably one of the largest in the Cameroonian national security service set-up by a criminal network of police officers and officials at the delegation who take advantage of their post and extort huge sums of money from the public. What a shocking finding. But this has been going on for many years. So many years indeed. What a country. Corruption is ruining my country. Well all I can say is please take some time to watch the video below and pray that you don’t fall victim to these schemes engaged in by members of our police force. If they have failed to protect us, let us try to protect ourselves through education!

Tuesday 30 April 2013


Police brutality strikes fear in Cameroonian hearts!

Before you read, please take a look at this. This happened in CAMEROON!


Not many posts come out of Cameroon these days without mentioning the word ''corruption''
Not many Cameroonians meet and part good bye without discussing corruption or even taking a little piss at it. Well, as you might already know it is the order of the day! and a persistent frustration for the people.

Journalists in Cameroon strike after Bibi Ngota (editor for the Cameroun Express in Yaoundé) death

But why has it been so hard to voice or report corruption in Cameroon to the rest of the world? or excuse me...what am I talking about? I should have even started by asking why has it been so hard to report it to the Cameroonian authorities themselves in the first place? Yes! we have a judicial system just like many other countries to deal with this isn't it?.  Well,

Answer 1 is :  FEAR! 

Cameroonians are afraid to speak out. Yes, they wont and believe me this is perfectly reasonable and believe me, if you found yourself in their place you would be scared as well. Why wont you be? Why wont you be scared of a police which itself has been rated by international bodies, news corporations and transparency international as the most corrupt sector of the Cameroonian government? And as I speak, one might be thinking it would just be a matter of coming to your house and  arresting you or threatening you. No, and I said No, because, for the most part, you have to be ready for some serious brutality and abuse. 

Indeed as I write, memories of police brutality against University students at the University of Buea in Cameroon come to mind and they don't seem to go away. One of the worst encounters I ever witnessed live in my days. These took place between 2005-2006 or so. Not far isn't it . This is just 2013! 

As it happened: - These were university students peacefully protesting with some finally doing so to their death.  What a life. And you know, that was enough. If you were a student at the University at that time and saw a bullet surgically removed from your fellow friends brain, the scars will remain with you. But that's not all, you will be terrified to ever come out to protest against this system worst of all the police. 

A similar situation was captured on Camera in the littoral province of Cameroon involving political party supporters protesting on the streets of Douala during which the police were called in. Oh I must say it was not a nice scene.I wont discuss this. My English will under-represent the gravity of the situation. Please take a look at this clip below or above (at beginning) for yourself and tell me if you wont think twice next time before you protest in this country called Cameroon. If I were you, I wouldn't. Yes, I am AFRAID!. Full stop.


Let me end here for today. I hope to discuss reason number 2 subsequently!

Thanks for reading!


Monday 29 April 2013


This site is dedicated to analyzing the state of corruption in Cameroon and reporting the situation to the rest of the world.


Cameroon remains one of the most corrupt countries on the face of the earth.
According to recent transparency international data, the percentage of Cameroonians who feel that from 2007-2010 the level of corruption in the country has increased is over 62%.

24% think its stayed same while the remaining 15% who probably constitute the elite and currently benefiting from predicament the country is in say it has reduced. What a shame!

The saddest news is, of all sectors affected by corruption, the police is the worst. It remains the burning furnace of corruption in Cameroon.

                                                                                                        Source: Transparency international

Well, if you are a Cameroonian reading this, you will not be surprised as you might have had first hand experience of this while in Cameroon. But if you are a foreigner, you must be shocked how Cameroonians manage to get on with their lives in such chaos. Such is the life. The same police meant to protect and ensure justice for us. Forces of law and order indeed!

This is a very serious problem to say the least, as so many poor Cameroonians today are deprived of a decent living as a consequence of this growing corruption. Well, I am one of them. I have experienced first hand corruption. I have been very scared to talk about it like you or sometimes found it needless to talk about it. I have been frustrated by it. My family has, my friends have, Cameroonians have been frustrated by corruption for just too long.

Many of us are leaving our home and seeking a better life abroad as if there can't be any such at home. Many of us have lost our identity and seeking new ones elsewhere. Many of us just don't want to think about these things and truly its not our fault. We have suffered for just too long  and will do all we can to get a decent life where ever it may be. It is not our fault.

However, we need to remember, that many of us are still home and struggling with corruption. Many of us home have lost hope and our frustration is daily. I don't know about you but ..

Today my frustration has reached the point where I have said, its enough. Enough indeed, because it is my life and my problem. It is my future. No one is gonna fight for me if it is not me who puts on the shoes. The consequences of not fighting far outweigh those for fighting and although this might not be true in terms of the personal consequences, its a good cause, its a genuine cause, it will save lives, it will improve lives and restore some hope to this countries citizens if we try to tackle this canker-worm eating our country to its skeleton NOW!.

Enough is enough!

Welcome to my blog.... Cameroonian or non-Cameroonian...we need your help.

Updates on corruption in Cameroon - 2013


Cameroon remains one of the most corrupt countries on the face of the earth
According to recent transparency international data, the percentage of Cameroonians who feel that from 2007-2010 the level of corruption in the country has increased is over 62%.
24% think its stayed same while the remaining 15% who probably constitute the elite and currently benefiting from predicament the country is in say it has reduced. What a shame!

The saddest news is, of all sectors, the police remain the burning furnace of corruption in Cameroon.