Monday 29 April 2013


This site is dedicated to analyzing the state of corruption in Cameroon and reporting the situation to the rest of the world.


Cameroon remains one of the most corrupt countries on the face of the earth.
According to recent transparency international data, the percentage of Cameroonians who feel that from 2007-2010 the level of corruption in the country has increased is over 62%.

24% think its stayed same while the remaining 15% who probably constitute the elite and currently benefiting from predicament the country is in say it has reduced. What a shame!

The saddest news is, of all sectors affected by corruption, the police is the worst. It remains the burning furnace of corruption in Cameroon.

                                                                                                        Source: Transparency international

Well, if you are a Cameroonian reading this, you will not be surprised as you might have had first hand experience of this while in Cameroon. But if you are a foreigner, you must be shocked how Cameroonians manage to get on with their lives in such chaos. Such is the life. The same police meant to protect and ensure justice for us. Forces of law and order indeed!

This is a very serious problem to say the least, as so many poor Cameroonians today are deprived of a decent living as a consequence of this growing corruption. Well, I am one of them. I have experienced first hand corruption. I have been very scared to talk about it like you or sometimes found it needless to talk about it. I have been frustrated by it. My family has, my friends have, Cameroonians have been frustrated by corruption for just too long.

Many of us are leaving our home and seeking a better life abroad as if there can't be any such at home. Many of us have lost our identity and seeking new ones elsewhere. Many of us just don't want to think about these things and truly its not our fault. We have suffered for just too long  and will do all we can to get a decent life where ever it may be. It is not our fault.

However, we need to remember, that many of us are still home and struggling with corruption. Many of us home have lost hope and our frustration is daily. I don't know about you but ..

Today my frustration has reached the point where I have said, its enough. Enough indeed, because it is my life and my problem. It is my future. No one is gonna fight for me if it is not me who puts on the shoes. The consequences of not fighting far outweigh those for fighting and although this might not be true in terms of the personal consequences, its a good cause, its a genuine cause, it will save lives, it will improve lives and restore some hope to this countries citizens if we try to tackle this canker-worm eating our country to its skeleton NOW!.

Enough is enough!

Welcome to my blog.... Cameroonian or non-Cameroonian...we need your help.

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