Tuesday 30 April 2013


Police brutality strikes fear in Cameroonian hearts!

Before you read, please take a look at this. This happened in CAMEROON!


Not many posts come out of Cameroon these days without mentioning the word ''corruption''
Not many Cameroonians meet and part good bye without discussing corruption or even taking a little piss at it. Well, as you might already know it is the order of the day! and a persistent frustration for the people.

Journalists in Cameroon strike after Bibi Ngota (editor for the Cameroun Express in Yaoundé) death

But why has it been so hard to voice or report corruption in Cameroon to the rest of the world? or excuse me...what am I talking about? I should have even started by asking why has it been so hard to report it to the Cameroonian authorities themselves in the first place? Yes! we have a judicial system just like many other countries to deal with this isn't it?.  Well,

Answer 1 is :  FEAR! 

Cameroonians are afraid to speak out. Yes, they wont and believe me this is perfectly reasonable and believe me, if you found yourself in their place you would be scared as well. Why wont you be? Why wont you be scared of a police which itself has been rated by international bodies, news corporations and transparency international as the most corrupt sector of the Cameroonian government? And as I speak, one might be thinking it would just be a matter of coming to your house and  arresting you or threatening you. No, and I said No, because, for the most part, you have to be ready for some serious brutality and abuse. 

Indeed as I write, memories of police brutality against University students at the University of Buea in Cameroon come to mind and they don't seem to go away. One of the worst encounters I ever witnessed live in my days. These took place between 2005-2006 or so. Not far isn't it . This is just 2013! 

As it happened: - These were university students peacefully protesting with some finally doing so to their death.  What a life. And you know, that was enough. If you were a student at the University at that time and saw a bullet surgically removed from your fellow friends brain, the scars will remain with you. But that's not all, you will be terrified to ever come out to protest against this system worst of all the police. 

A similar situation was captured on Camera in the littoral province of Cameroon involving political party supporters protesting on the streets of Douala during which the police were called in. Oh I must say it was not a nice scene.I wont discuss this. My English will under-represent the gravity of the situation. Please take a look at this clip below or above (at beginning) for yourself and tell me if you wont think twice next time before you protest in this country called Cameroon. If I were you, I wouldn't. Yes, I am AFRAID!. Full stop.



Let me end here for today. I hope to discuss reason number 2 subsequently!

Thanks for reading!


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